Meet the Buddhas

Everyone knows about Buddha Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha who introduced the path to enlightenment to our world. But because all living beings have a pure spiritual potential countless other people have also attained enlightenment.

Here are a few Buddhas we rely upon in our tradition. If it seems like a lot, just remember all Buddhas are the same nature, and we can receive the blessings of all of them simply by recognising them as being inseparable from our Spiritual Guide. Some Buddhas can help us more than others at a particular time because we have a closer karmic relationship with them then, just like we do with other people in our life, this is why we sometimes emphasise relying upon a particular Buddha.

Click on any of the Buddhas below to find out more about them.

“Just seeing an image of a Buddha places in our mind a potential or mental imprint that is a cause of enlightenment.”

Looking at Buddhas.png

‘The Mirror of Dharma With Additions’  Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso