Getting Involved

Help Flourish Dharma

Becoming an active member of the Jangchub Ling sangha by donating your time to help with the running of our Centre and branches is one of the most meaningful ways to add a whole new dimension to your practice.

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“By working to


and organize

a Dharma


we are working

for all living beings and

we are practicing

offering happiness to others.”

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

It doesn’t matter how small a task may seem, each contribution of your time is immensely meaningful.

Everyone is welcome to volunteer.  You don't need a special skill or experience.  We have many volunteer opportunities which can be done by anyone without training or with minimal training. Although, if you do have a special skill you'd like to contribute, such as carpentry or website expertise, please let us know. In terms of time, you can offer as little or as much time as you like.  Each and every hour of volunteering counts. 

Jangchub Ling Kadampa Buddhist Centre is a non-profit organisation that relies entirely on the efforts of our volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to share your talents or interests, have fun and help people in the local area find the benefit of a peaceful mind. Not only that, volunteering is a great way to meet and get to know other Dharma practitioners, and learn naturally about applying Dharma teachings to our lives. 

We are a Volunteer-Led Organisation

Some of the Ways Our Volunteers Contribute


Cleaning the shop & cafe areas as well as the meditation room, and if you're game, even the toilets!


Maintaining & keeping JLC beautiful and welcoming is an ongoing job. Many hands make light work, as they say!


Changing the daily water offerings made on the shrine at the Centre.


This involves taking some of our flyers and posters for upcoming classes & courses, asking for them to be displayed in shops, offices and cafes in your area, and displaying them on your local community notice board.


We are always in need of people to help with the technology involved in producing classes (operating the computer and ipad) etc. We also need people to prepare the meditation room, greet attendees and help clean up afterwards.

Upcoming Opportunities;

Assisting with technology for classes - various days, weekly.

Assisting with classes - various days, weekly.

Courses - preparing the meditation room for the teacher & assisting with technology on the day.

If you would like to volunteer at the Centre please talk to our
Volunteer Co-ordinator, Cheryl about your schedule and availability.
Telephone: 07710477820 or fill in this form.